What To Do After A Reiki Session

man practicing mindfulness after reiki healing

Hello dear friends!

You’ve entered a state of deep relaxation. You’ve felt the powerful healing energy move through your body. You’ve gotten some relief from the stress or discomfort you’ve been dealing with. Maybe you’ve met some of your spirit guides. You’re feeling super calm, inspired, and centered. The Reiki session is over. So now what happens?

When you receive Reiki energy healing, you want to make the most out of your investment, and that’s where aftercare comes in. One of the top questions I receive from clients is what to do after we finish a session and how they can best integrate the healing we did. This is a truly important piece that I feel is often overlooked, so I wanted to make a brief guide to post-Reiki care!

Even though Reiki is a subtle, noninvasive technique, that doesn’t mean it’s wimpy! These sessions can be incredibly profound and can create shifts physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The healing continues on long after the session has ended.

I think of the first 48-72 hours post-Reiki as the initial integration phase, when it’s the most important to do your aftercare. Of course, things may continue to shift and come up beyond that, but what you do in the day or two following is key.

After any Reiki or energy healing session, I recommend doing the following things, in order to best integrate the healing work:

1. Grounding/earthing

When possible, I always love getting my feet on the earth after a session (this is important for any of you practitioners as well!) and attuning to this healing frequency. Earthing or grounding is simply making skin contact with the ground- the more contact the better, but bare feet are definitely enough to get a benefit. The abundance of free ions in the earth is helpful for balancing out our electrical systems, and has been shown to improve things like sleep, mood, and immunity.

2. Hydration

We’ve all heard the importance of drinking more water, but this is especially important after any kind of healing session. Remember that physical/biological stagnation = energetic stagnation. Hydration keeps things flowing in your cells, joints, muscles, and organs, supports the flow of Qi through the meridians, and flushes out toxins that may have been stimulated during the session. I recommend only non-caffeinated options after Reiki, such as fresh filtered water, herbal tea, or juice.

3. Deep rest

When I say “rest,” I’m not talking about lounging on the couch watching Netflix. I’m talking about the deep, profound, nourishing rest that most of us don’t get in our day-to-day lives. While the Reiki session itself should have been relaxing, making time for deep rest allows the healing to really penetrate into the cells and for your nervous system to recalibrate to a new state. Deep rest, to me, means no screens or stimulation. Try out a lavender eye bag or a weighted blanket for a nice nap, or maybe do a guided yoga nidra practice.

rituals for after reiki

4. Spiritual practice

It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of loving energy that flows through in a Reiki session, and the presence of angels and spirit guides of all kinds. Most people naturally feel more spiritually connected after a session, and your energy field will be a bit more open in the days following. So this is a great time to go deeper in your practices- whatever helps you feel more mindful and aligned. I definitely recommend freewriting about the session if you’re a journaler. Anything like meditation, prayer, chanting, dreamwork, pulling cards, and asking for signs is going to have more power after Reiki.

5. Take action

Once you’ve savored your initial rest after a Reiki session, it’s time to put your new energy and guidance into action. Depending on what insights you received during the session, you’ll want to use the momentum to take some kind of small step towards manifesting your intention. I may have given direct recommendations on next steps, or one of your spirit guides may have had a message for you, or you can follow your intuition on what you know you need to do next to continue your healing. Remember that Reiki is here to support your full awakening and empowerment, but it’s up to you how you alchemize it in your daily life.

6. Book another session

Just like with most therapies like massage, craniosacral work, acupuncture, counseling, or even going to the gym, the more consistent you are with receiving Reiki, the more benefits you’ll see. Whether you are looking to dive deep into releasing past trauma, you want to recover from a chronic health condition, or you want to manifest your dream life, regular Reiki healing is a great supportive tool. One single session may be wonderful, but it’s often not enough to release years of “stuff” in the body! My clients that receive every few weeks or every month are the ones I see make the most profound transformations.

Whether you are brand new to Reiki healing, or you’ve been receiving for a long time, these aftercare tips are the best way to make the most out of your investment. Everyone’s post-session rituals are unique to them, so I encourage you to play with a rhythm that feels best.

Note: if you are a healing practitioner, I have special recommendations for pre- and post- session rituals that go beyond this list. I share them in my Master Your Energy online course, and we can also explore them together in a 1:1 mentorship session!

Alright friends, I hope this inspires you to find your own nourishing post-Reiki self-care routine. I’d love to hear what things make you feel your best and help you take the healing deeper, so leave me a comment below!

~ Take care and be well ~

XO Melani

Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Vitalist Herbalist

Come connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube