Welcome, friend!
I'm SO excited to have you aboard, and I can't wait to get started on your healing adventure. I'm honored that you chose to work with me, and I look forward to all the ways that I may serve you powerfully along your journey.
You have likely received a link to this page, because we have already chatted a bit, and you've said "YES" to your own health and wellbeing. This form is meant to be your first official step in our coaching relationship, and this will give us a good idea of where to begin and what to focus on during our initial chats together.
Please take the time to fill this out as completely as you can. This will stay in my records, and will not be viewed by anyone but me.
For the self-assessment portion:
Please rate on a scale of 1-10, your current state of wellbeing for each of the 5 elements of health (graphic below), and give a few sentences of reflection on what is and isn’t working for you in these areas.
1= absolutely dismal, very poor health in this area. 10= fantastic, totally working great!
For the legal portion:
Please take a moment to check out the client agreement and read it before completing this form. Your e-signature at the bottom of this form says that you have read and agree to the terms of this agreement.
Ready? Alright, let's roll.