Stop the forcing and fixing, and find your flow
Are you tired of constantly looking for the next thing to fix you? Spending tons of time and money on special diets you can’t follow, harsh detox protocols, or online courses you never finish? I get it. I’ve been there!
After 14+ years of chronic health symptoms caused by a hypersensitized nervous system, I finally found a way out of my suffering. Through the application of brain retraining principles, somatic therapies, and energy/spiritual medicine, I was able to teach my mind and body to relax again and my world opened up.
The truth is, recovery, healing, and wholeness don’t have to be complicated or expensive. No matter what they try to tell you or sell you.
Whether you are dealing with chronic illness, emotional pain, or burnout, I’m here to help.
Let’s find your flow again, so you can enjoy more joy and ease in your life!
Get ready for a profound mindbody transformation
Using tools from modern neuroscience and ancient energy techniques, I can help you break out of limiting beliefs and behavior patterns. Together we will bring your nervous system back into regulation and slowly break the fear and avoidance cycles that are keeping you stuck in symptoms.
As seen in
Curious if your chronic pain, fatigue, or other symptom could be neuroplastic in nature? The FIT assessment is the best place to start, before pursuing any treatments or brain retraining programs!