Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory + 8 Ways To Boost Your Resilience Naturally

Hello dear friends!

For over 30 years of my life, I have been dead set convinced that germs alone are the cause of illness. I remember learning about proper hygiene as a child, then studying microbiology, immunology, and virology in college. Like you probably did in middle school, I learned about Louis Pasteur, the French chemist who first suggested that microorganisms were the cause of most diseases. And it wasn’t for several more decades until I learned that there were opposing points of view to Pasteur’s “germ theory.” 

After all, “diseases are caused by germs” has been the dominant narrative in medicine/health for over 200 years. But what if that’s not the whole story?

Turns out, Pasteur had a friend- a physiologist named Claude Bernard, who suggested that the presence of illness had more to do with the inner state of the organism, rather than the germs themselves. This “terrain theory” explains why some people get sick, while others don’t when exposed to the same germs. 

While Pasteur’s germ theory paved the way for things like antibiotics, immunizations, and other germ-targeted therapies, which undoubtedly have saved thousands of lives over the years, I think it’s too myopic to be applied as liberally as it is today. We’re obsessively focused on killing germs, but seemingly unconcerned with taking care of our inner terrain. And I think it’s the latter that will end up saving our species in the end. After all, we have always been surrounded by germs, and always will be. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and other microorganisms outnumber us on this planet, and it’s foolish to think we’ll ever win against them in a fight! 

Terrain theory, when you stop to think about it, is a much more empowering perspective. While germ theory sets us up to be victims to our environment, victims to germs, the terrain theory gives us our power back. From this point of view, we have tremendous influence over our resilience to disease, and we control how we respond to pathogens.

So, how do we bolster our natural defenses? How do we care for our inner terrain? 

Some of this you probably already know, because at least modern healthcare has gotten *some* things right. But perhaps a few of these will be new to you! No matter what, I simply want to share this information, with the hopes that more people start learning about their inner terrain and start claiming their power over their own health. 

Here are 8 ways to boost your body's terrain:

1. Swap your fat sources

Probably the number one thing that I recommend to anyone looking to improve their health is to be mindful of your fat sources! The industrialized seed oils that are so ubiquitous in our world today are extremely damaging to your gut, blood vessels, brain, immune systems, and more. The problem is, they’re cheap and in just about every processed product on the market. 

Stay the heck away from the “hateful eight” oils:

  • Canola

  • Corn

  • Cottonseed

  • Soy

  • Safflower

  • Sunflower

  • Grapeseed

  • Ricebran

And replace them with fat sources that are natural and recognizable by the body, like:

  • Butter or ghee

  • Beef tallow

  • Pork lard

  • Duck or chicken fat

  • Virgin coconut oil

  • High-quality olive oil 

2. Get natural light daily

I know it. You know it. We all know it- humans weren’t designed to be indoors all the time, under artificial lights. Light exposure is one of the most important factors that determine our health, and this includes all spectrums of light. From sunrise to sunset, we are naturally exposed to lots of different wavelengths of light, all of which give vital information to the brain. Get as much sun as you possibly can, and during days when it’s cloudy, still get outside! Expose your eyes to natural light within 1 hour of waking up every morning. Try to take breaks throughout the day to either go outside, or at least look out a window at the natural light. Healing your light environment can have a massive impact on your sleep, mood, cognition, immune system, and more.

3. Rewire your brain

You can eat great food and get great sleep, but if your mind is still filled with negativity, fear, and limiting beliefs, you’re only going to make so much progress with your health. It’s important to work with the brain directly- after all, this is your control center, which oversees all the processes in your body! What you think and believe have a big influence, so if you want to be resilient to disease, start rewiring your brain for wellness. There are many ways to do this, from structured programs like DNRS and Gupta (highly recommended if you have chronic illness), to things like heart coherence meditation and healing affirmations. Start focusing on what you DO want, not what you DON’T want! Be mindful of the types of media you consume too. Make this a diligent practice, because repetition is key for changing the brain.

4. Learn to breathe properly

Oxygen delivery is essential for maintaining cellular health, but most of us suck at breathing. I don’t know about you, but I catch myself holding my breath sometimes during the day, and I know that I have issues with breathing fully while I sleep. If you are dealing with chronic congestion, this is likely an issue with your diet or possible allergies, so address that first. Talk to a functional dentist about how to stop mouth breathing (mouth taping can help train this away) and how to open your airway at night. Learn some breathwork techniques. Practice better posture, to allow deeper breaths. If you want to dive deeper into this, I highly recommend the book Breath by James Nestor.

5. Replace carbs and sugar with animal foods

For optimal inner terrain, you are going to need the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. And that’s animal foods! This is especially true if you’ve spent years on harsh diets, doing tons of “detoxing,” eating processed foods, and having massive blood sugar swings. Sugars and most carbohydrates aren’t doing you any favors, and could actually be making you worse (mainly by damaging the gut through lectins, phytates, oxalates, and other antinutrients). Try replacing sugar and carbs with healthy proteins and fats from animal sources. Not only are they much easier to digest, but they have incredible amounts of bioavailable vitamins and minerals. You’ll feel more calm, satisfied, and focused too.

6. Stay away from the artificial

When in doubt, think about what comes from nature. Think about what your grandmother or great-grandmother would do. While there are some modern inventions that are awesome, most things come with a cost to our health. Do your best to choose natural over artificial. Choose herbs over pharmaceuticals whenever possible. Open your blinds and windows instead of turning on more lamps. Choose foods that are in whole form, not in a box or bag. Cook your food on the stove, instead of the microwave. Put your phone in airplane mode and or turn off your Wifi while you sleep. Stop using toxic air fresheners, cleaning products, and cosmetics. You get the idea.

7. Prioritize sleep and movement

Besides food and your direct environment, sleep and movement are two essential pieces of your health puzzle. Sleep has been an especially big player for me. Stop skimping on your sleep, in favor of work or staying up scrolling Instagram. Keep your bedroom dark and cool. Use a fan and/or noise machine if that helps. Block the blue light 2+ hours before you sleep. Try to sleep naturally (without pharmaceuticals) if possible. Meditate before bed, to help you wind down.

Make movement, even a little bit, a part of your daily routine. If you’re currently quite ill, or very sedentary, start small. A few minutes of stretching, a walk around the block, a handful of tai chi moves- anything counts to get the blood and lymph flowing. And if you’re able, do more activity, preferably outside, like hiking, running, riding a bike, kayaking, etc.

8. Accept medical intervention with discernment

I have a lot of respect for our doctors, nurses, and other medical workers. But I don’t run to them at every inconvenience like I used to. Often, the things they do or prescribe can be detrimental to you in the long run. Make sure you think it through, and really weigh the pros and cons, before accepting certain interventions. This includes procedures, drugs, shots, scans, surgeries, etc. Remember that the Western medical paradigm was built upon the germ theory, and many interventions damage the terrain in the pursuit of killing germs. 

In order for all of us to reclaim our birthright to radical health, we must stop placing so much faith in the germ theory. Trying to constantly kill germs, while our bodies get weaker and weaker, is a losing game.

Start thinking more about how to care for your inner terrain, and you will be rewarded with resilience against the inevitable onslaught of germs. 

Want some 1:1 help on how to start healing your gut, your sleep, your mindset, or anything else? Reach out and schedule a coaching session. I’d love to give you the kind of advice I wish I had gotten years ago, and save you from unnecessary suffering!

Lots of love to you all, and cheers to taking back our power to control our health!

~ Take care and be well ~

XO Melani

Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Vitalist Herbalist

Come connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube