How can Reiki healing support recovery from chronic pain or fatigue? Let’s explore the nervous system regulating benefits!
Read MoreCurious if your chronic pain, fatigue, or other symptom could be neuroplastic in nature? The FIT assessment is the best place to start, before pursuing any treatments or brain retraining programs!
Read MoreCan Pain Reprocessing Therapy be applied to non-pain symptoms too? Let’s explore this foundational tool for mindbody recovery!
Read MoreThere are 5 main belief and behavior patterns that can keep chronic pain/fatigue/other symptoms around for a long time. These should be the main focus of your brain retraining program!
Read MoreThis winter has already been a hard lesson in surrendering and doing less. Here’s to embracing the ancient wisdom of this season.
Read MoreTurns out, my dog River has a lot in common with my limbic system! She’s my little living expression of this part of my brain.
Read MoreLooking for a way to support your brain in learning, growing, and changing? Here are 3 natural tools to boost your neuroplasticity!
Read MoreThe Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) and the Gupta Program are two of the main techniques for retraining the brain and healing chronic illness. Here’s my overview and comparison of both programs!
Read MoreEver wonder why some people get sick and others don’t, when exposed to the same pathogen? Tired of feeling like a victim to the germs around you? Let’s chat about germ theory, versus terrain theory, and give you 8 ways to boost your natural resilience!
Read MoreIf you love someone who is healing their chronic conditions through a program like DNRS or Gupta, you may wonder how you can best support them. Here are 10 ways!
Read MoreWe can only heal when we have the right brain chemistry. Let’s talk about DOSE, and how we can boost these molecules, naturally!
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