10 Herbs For Empaths & Highly-Sensitive People


Hello dear friends!

Earth School can be hard sometimes. This elite learning opportunity is packed full of challenges, and many of us have moments of wondering what the heck we’re doing here, and how we’re going to survive day to day.

Your sweet, sensitive spirit chose to come here at this exact moment in time, and you’ve got soul contracts to fulfill. But that doesn’t mean you’re going it alone. Quite the opposite! You have access to all the powers of Nature and Spirit, to help you through anything you’re struggling with. And it’s so important to use them, especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP)!

We empaths feel everything so deeply and often absorb the energies around us, for better or worse- this is why I talk so much about “energy hygiene” with my clients. But as a supplement to these types of daily self-care practices for empaths, I’ve found that our Nature allies are more helpful than we might think, when it comes to feeling confident and centered in our sensitive superpowers.

While I originally studied herbalism for the clinical/medical benefits, I’ve come to really respect, and be fascinated by, the energetic and spiritual properties of plants. And when we can work with our herb friends on all levels- physical, psychological, and spiritual- I think we harness their truest, fullest potential to support us here on Earth.

Plants are our friends! They are some of our greatest teachers and guides. And they are essential tools for us empaths, to help us manage our energies and support ourselves as we take this grand human journey.

If you identify as an empath or HSP, or know someone who does, this post is for you! I’ve rounded up my top 10 herbs for empaths- all these plants I’ve worked with personally, and often include in my custom formulas for clients (most of whom are empaths with chronic illnesses- MAJOR link there!).

Brief disclaimer: it’s important to know that not every herb will work for every person. It’s critical to do your research or work with a professional who can help you find the ones that suit your unique dosha/constitution and balance your astrological disposition!

Okay, friends, let’s dive in!


1. Milky oats

Ah, my sweet Avena sativa. Hands down my favorite nerve restorative! The thick, milky latex substance is only secreted by the oat seed for a few weeks every year, and makes potent medicine for anyone who feels like their nerves are hypersensitive. This is like extra insulation for the nervous system, and helps make life in general feel a little less intense.

Best taken as: fresh tincture.

2. Rose

Long seen as a sacred spiritual plant, rose is one of the most gentle yet powerful medicines for the heart. Soothing and softening, rose medicine is perfect for empaths who feel shut down and scared of the world, or who struggle to let people in. It’s calming, opening, and connected to the Divine Feminine energy- perfect for supporting you sharing your gifts with those around you.

Best taken as: essential oil/aromatherapy, tea, flower essence, yoni steam.

3. St John’s Wort

While this plant is most famous for its mood-lifting properties, its centuries-old use was for protection against dark forces (along with wood betony, below). St. John’s Wort is bright, sunny, and expansive- ideal for repelling unhelpful energies and keeping you in an elevated vibration. It’s associated with the solar plexus chakra as well, which is our main power center (and a place I often see energy cords in healing sessions!).

Best taken as: fresh tincture, capsule, topical salve. (Warning: this plant has several serious contraindications and interactions with medications- do your homework before use!)

4. Wood Betony

A lesser-known plant, but one of my favorite nervines, wood betony is a tremendous ally for getting grounded. I like to think of it as medicine that brings the spirit down into the body, particularly for people who are always swirling up in their heads. Wood betony is calming and slightly sedating, and like St. John’s Wort, has been used to ward off negative energies and bad spirits.

Best taken as: tincture, capsule.

5. Lemon balm

Lovely lemon balm is one of the sweetest and most cheerful plants I know. I look forward to it popping up in my yard every springtime. While it’s also great at combating herpetic viruses (like EBV), lemon balm is especially calming and uplifting to the spirits. Kind of like a bright shiny light, lemon balm can help you see the joy in this Earth School journey, and help you not take things so personally.

Best taken as: tea, tincture, infused honey.


6. Tulsi

Also known as “holy basil,” this plant is considered sacred throughout most of Asia, and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. It carries powerful goddess energy, and is a gentle adaptogen perfectly suited for those who struggle with fatigue, brain fog, or general overwhelm. I find Tulsi to be lovingly uplifting, while helping me stay centered in my highest good.

Best taken as: tea, tincture, infused honey.

7. Reishi

We empaths can learn a lot from our mushroom friends, particularly when it comes to grounding ourselves in a network of support, and remembering that there is always much more going on under the surface. One of my favorite mushroom allies is Reishi, the king of medicinal mushrooms. Reishi is adaptogenic and immune-boosting, and offers a kind of quiet, calm strength that is so comforting.

Best taken as: capsule/powder, tincture.

8. Ashwagandha

Because the world can be such an intense place, it’s vital to support our bodies’ stress response. Ashwagandha is a fantastic plant ally for burned out adrenals, weak thyroids, and overactive stress hormones. It can provide steady stamina and calm energy, and is associated with the horse animal spirit- a symbol of strength, power, and grace.

Best taken as: capsule/powder, tincture.

9. Lavender

This list would not be complete without trusty lavender. One of the most soothing scents on the planet, lavender is great for relaxing frayed nerves, opening the heart chakra, and enhancing meditation. Lavender, especially the essential oil, is a must-have in the empath’s toolkit. I love to use this after healing sessions, or as gentle protection before stressful events.

Best taken as: essential oil/aromatherapy, yoni steam.


10. Passionflower

This exotic flower is as mystical and magical as it looks. Passionflower has long been used to induce deep relaxation and sleep, as well as enhance dreaming. If your HSP gifts sometimes keep you up at night, or you find anxieties creeping in on the regular, passionflower may be a great ally for you. It provides a warm, happy calm that can push your fears to the back of your brain.

Best taken as: tincture, tea, flower essence.

These are my favorite 10 herbs for empaths and highly sensitive people, and I know you’ll come to love them too. Remember that even though Earth School can be a challenging place at times, you have friends and allies all around you, including in the plant world. Notice which of these herbs call to you, and consider exploring them (preferably under the guidance of a trained herbalist or naturopath) as you develop your empathic gifts. These plants can help you stay grounded, calm, and steady, no matter what life throws at you.

Which of these herbs have you worked with before? Do you have a favorite? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

And as always, until next time,

~ Take care and be well ~

xo Melani

Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Vitalist Herbalist

Come connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube