Feel like someone is pressing the fast-forward button on your life? Here are a few ways to slow down, get present, and create some spaciousness.
Read MoreThe Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) and the Gupta Program are two of the main techniques for retraining the brain and healing chronic illness. Here’s my overview and comparison of both programs!
Read MoreAre you curious how often you should receive Reiki healing, in order to see the benefits you’re hoping for? Here are my general guidelines!
Read MoreEver wonder why some people get sick and others don’t, when exposed to the same pathogen? Tired of feeling like a victim to the germs around you? Let’s chat about germ theory, versus terrain theory, and give you 8 ways to boost your natural resilience!
Read MoreIf you love someone who is healing their chronic conditions through a program like DNRS or Gupta, you may wonder how you can best support them. Here are 10 ways!
Read MoreA few thoughts on things I have found helpful, for dealing with depression naturally.
Read MoreYou’ve just received Reiki healing. Now what? I share my tips for post-Reiki care, to make the most out of your session.
Read MoreThere are many medicines in nature that one might consider sacred, but these are my personal favorites. These four things can balance you, mind, body, and spirit.
Read MoreYour spirit guides are always trying to communicate with you. But you may be missing it! Here are some easy ways to ask for signs from the Universe.
Read MoreYou’ve heard of the health benefits of CBD oil, but what about CBN, CBG, CBC, or Delta-8 THC? Let’s explore these other powerful cannabinoids!
Read MoreWhat does it truly mean to step into our power as women? How can we feel empowered every single day? Here are 4 key areas to pay attention to. (psst- plus a special coupon for Energy Mastery School!)
Read MoreWhether you’re already working in the healing arts, or you hope to in the future, these 5 essential skills for healers are vital to your long-term success.
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